Rabu, 14 April 2010


I am still in the middle of my mid-semester test week. I've got some take home test to do, but I manage to drag myself to write an entry. I decide to share some shit that been happen to my life. Lately my life feels so fucked up to me, I don't even know how many times I said fuck this week million? billion? zillion? whatever.

Apakah dosa jika saya terus-menerus berkata kasar? Ini ga saya tujukan bukan buat orang lain, terlebih-lebih pada Tuhan. HELL NO! All those nasty things I said are all for my fuckingtwerp self. Yes, it's all about me. Aku ga lagi bakal nyalahin orang lain atas perlakuan orang ke aku, atau nyalahin Tuhan atas apa yg terjadi sama hidup aku, to be perfectly honest I'm not a religious person. I was born as Hindu and I'm proud of it and I'm kindda adore with hindu underneaths story. But please don't underestimate me, I'm trying you know. Aku cuma ga mau ketemu tuhan karena ada perlunya, karena takut nanti ga dapet surga, karena takut dicap setan dengan kelakukan buruk ga pernah nyembah tuhan. Aku pikir lebih baik ga sama sekali dari pada ga niat, atau malah jadiin kegiatan suci itu menjadi sebuah kesombongan membangga-banggakan seberapa seringnya kita berdoa. Kadang aku merasa bingung sama tujuan sembahyang itu sendiri, kenapa orang sibuk mendiktekan tuhan tentang apa yang menjadi hasrat dan napsu keduniawian mereka? Tuhan itu maha tahu, jadi apa perlu hal-hal seperti itu disampaikan didalam doa kita? Baiklah itu urusan kalian masing-masing dan saya hanya ingin bertanya.

Mid semester exam, 3 lecture straight in one day and it's such a pain in the ass! Believe me this 3 lecture I have is so arrggghhh errr I don't even know how to describe it. In this case I'm swear for my beloved mom that I'm not ready yet. Yes I do said that to my mom "Sorry mutter, whatever the result please forgive me" Yeah, I do an apologize to my mom. And don't try to judge me anyway like "ahh, cuman komunikasi doang" screw you! It's not JUST a Communication. And here's some fact I realize when this tsunami-look-a-like hit me in the face:

1. I'm not a hard die fans of studying something structured since highschool or junior year? or maybe since I was in playgroup?
2. The thicker the book, the more lazier I become to read it
The hungrier I am, none of those fungcking word would hang on my brain
4. The fuller I am, err I feel sleepy? LOL
5. The more messed my room the more I feel sick!
6. The more happier me, the zillion faster I read that lovely book and if I want I undertand them

I felt bad for this random fact, about the test I felt hmm ga bangga sama jawabannya, juga ga berasa bersalah banget karena ga jawab. Pokoknya moto yg pas itu ya" Qui sera sera aja lah. Mudah-mudah ya ga ngulang, klo ngulang ya berarti ada adik kelas cakep (berusaha menghibur diri). Since majoring in communications is not purely my desire, I will legowo with what will happen in my collage life. And there is a thing I hate. Next semester I MUST choose Media Jurnalisme consentration or Media Strategis. For god's shake I don't have an idea on what concentration I should be, if I ask my dad he definitely says Media Jurnalisme. Tapi saya merasa ga bisa nulis, sebenernya pengen Media Strategis karena ada DKV, periklanan, tapi saya orangnya ga pinter-pinter banget ngomong. Nah loh? bingung kan? Kalau kalian bilang liat prospek ke depan yg dijanjikan sama konsentrasi itu, to be honest ga ada tuh satu pun yang menjadi cita-cita saya. Fotografer? sorry ini cuma hobby, I don't wanna something named job ruining my passion in photography (Jurnalisme). And nor do I wanna ruin what I've been addicted to with my lecturer bad taste drive me mad when they start judging my work in DKV and Advertisement class (Media Strategis). Gedid?

Okay, enough for today. See ya in next post. I'm promise there's no shit. LOL

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