Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Aksi Kreasi #2

It's hot from the oven! Wew, I'm totally a gigs geeks now. No jokes. But I'm not attending every gigs that had been held in jogja though. Well well this is Bulaksumur present. Aksi Kreasi #2 in Purnabudaya (again). The HTM is very cheap, only cost 7k that's the reason why I attending this event. The performances that night is Display, Pieter Lennon (Am I right?), Frau, Jasmine, and Jenny. And that's the reason number 2.

I came earlier well not practically earlier. the show is running out late btw, and that's make me came earlier. Whatever, and guess what because of that I can see Pieter Lenon (Which I'm not so sure this is his correct name) check sound. Let me describe him. He is old (50 something, or maybe 60), wearing pink shirt, playing guitar and harmonica at the same time, he not singging just playing the instrument, and he has the beatles haircut or which is alda changcut haircut too. Reflect from his name he really adopted the beatles style, and singing their song too. Honestly I hope if he can also sang that night and not was only playing instrument. But he not that bad.

What should I write about Display? They're just like a particular band, pardon me. Pop rock, love song, and that kind of stuff. I know they're disappointed with the crowd. But, again what should I say?

Finally Frau, as you all know this is my 2 rd times to watch her show. Oh my dear lord, why you create someone like her? very stunning. Everything just feels so perfect when she start to playing her piano. By the time, and after I looking back to my back (sounds weird) there's already a lot of people fulfill the venue. They knew her song, and start singing along with her, and there's a big applause for her. She deserve it by the way. What I would say is the crowd is more attractive that night. Even I feels like the sound is worse than the stage she had before.

First, I don't know that I've already watch their show before. Second, when they first come up to the stage everybody is start to scream to them like they're the cutest things that night. Third, they're who yelled with the power of joy is the organizers of the event. Well then, jasmine plays like 5-6 songs in a row. They play other's people song like Jamie Cullum (people scream), Shandy Sandoro (more people scream, and more lauder), Cold Play, and the others song I can't recognize. They're jazz, very jazz, that's why people love them.

Maybe this is the reason number two why I came that night. Because is JENNY. Their genre is rock 60's & 70's. They have a very attractive lead singer who always go to the left right ups and down (kidding). He (the vocalist) brought a little black book that looks likes a bible and something that likes black rosary but I know that is not a rosary at all. Well it's kindda hard to capture them, as ya all know I'm still an amateur. And this fact is make me upset at that night. But thanks my lord I can stabilize my hand. They even can make people who was sitting to be standing to watch their performance. Their song is way to perfect to be heard, I know it's sounds so lebay. But what so ever. See ya in the next gigs.

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Kembalikan sepatu itu

Cinderella.. Cinderella...

Meninggalkan sebelah sepatunya di tangga istana.

Meninggalkan, berarti tidak sengaja tertinggal.

Pangeran datang menggambilnya.

Menggunakan sepatu itu untuk menemukan cintanya. Cinderella.

Cinderella... Cinderella...

Ketika hendak mengenakan sepatunya, Ia tidak dapat menemukannya.

Sepatu itu hilang.

Kali ini tidak tertinggal, tetapi hilang.

Hilang, tidak berada pada tempat dimana sepatu itu seharusnya berada.

Pangeran kaukah itu?

Bukan pangeran yang mengambilnya.

Ia tidak membutuhkan sepasang sepatu.

Hanya perlu sebelah bukan sepasang.

Lalu siapa?

Entah siapa yang pasti Ia tidak bertanggung jawab.

Tujuannya tak ada yang tau.

Cinderella... Cinderella...

Ia kehilangan sepasang sepatunya.

Berharap cemas ketika Ia memeriksanya lagi sepatu itu masih ada ditempatnya.

Berharap Ia hanya kurang teliti mencari.

Cinderella... Cinderella...

Masihkah kau pantas dipanggil Cinderella?

Kau bukan lagi pemilik sepatu kaca itu.

Dia yang memilikinya lah yang bernama itu sekarang.

Gadis tanpa nama itu, tertenduk.


Dia bukan lagi Cinderella.

Seseorang telah mengaburkan identitasnya.

Cinderella... oh Cinderella...

Andai aku bisa membantumu.


There is Audy, Dewi Sandra, RAN, Tompi and Idang Rasjidi
I'm not a big fans of jazz, I just came to see Tompi. And why there's only RAN who dominated the photo? HA, because I somehow got attracted by Rayi from RAN. Well, that's may will explain the reason why. I really enjoyed the night. Good music, good people and good fashion. Everything doing well for me. Very entertaining. I don't know if the ticket is sold out or not, because when I see on the festival side there are an empty seat. Well, that's not kindda matter. The only matter is when you're in VVIP and you only get a mineral water. Pardon me, but I think I deserve some snack. Thank you.

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Creature who live on the place called earth

D is mysterious. I don't know D personally, but somehow I feels like I know D for a long time. Someone who think different about something, have faith, and mostly D have the beautiful heart I've ever know. But D is still a human, who make mistakes and bad things. But now D somehow try to do what people say as good thing, D try to walk in the different path as D's friend and people around D's walk on. D's walk on that path alone, but D doesn't feel alone. I don't know why. Again, I don't know D's well.
D have a dream. A simple dream. Sometimes in the night before I go to sleep I pray for D. I say to god to make D's dream come true. D want to be an ordinary kids. Going to collage and hanging outs with collage mates, being stressed by an assignments. Just a simple thing like that, which mostly kids hate D want's to feel it. To be ordinary. That's D. Someone who somehow didn't go to collage, but god bless D, D will go to collage this year. I'm happy for D.

Someday I hope, I can meet D in person. If I can talk to D it will be great, I have so many question to D to answer. I want to make sure everything i thought about D before. Which is true and which is false. A lot of things I want to know about D. If I don't have a chance to talk to D, maybe I'll just need to see D and make sure that D is exist.

Who is D?
D is a human. God creature who live in a place we live.
A place called earth.
D is you. And you is D.

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Rainforce Atmaja

Free event, and very entertaining. I don't know the reason why this event been held. All I know it's free, and I should to come. There is 5-6 performance that night. Which mostly I don't know the name is. I came late, and the reason I came is just to see Frau playing live, she is talented singer who also playing piano. And after seeing her performance I know that she is truly amazing. There is always a bonus in every gigs I attend. There is Individual life. Like a mini orchestra band with an amazing music arrangement. Again it's make me feel W O W!
I didn't watch the rest of the show, because I don't feel like I want to. But there is a band, rock ballad band maybe I'm not so sure. Which is the guitarist is my senior in my collage and it is a surprise too because he have a very talented band. What makes this (sorry I forgot their band name) band special is the vocalist have a really good accent in english. And he is crying when he singing a song (again I forgot the name). Can you believe it? I never see someone crying while they're sing. So pardon me, if this become a thing to me. See ya in the another gigs!

My senior band (forgot the name)

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Mungkin aku hanya berpikir

Selasa, tidak pernah seindah ini.
Burung-burung berkicau ucapkan selamat menempuh hari.
Dia bilang terimakasih, dan senyuman mengembang.
Senyuman itu tidak pernah nampak pada selasa.
Ada apa dengan selasa kali ini?
Mengapa begitu bahagia?
Berjalan memutar.
Merasakan hawa pagi yang menyejukan.
Selasa yang cantik.
Matahari dan pohon membentuk siluet yang menenangkan.
Dia bersyukur masih dapat menikmati pagi.

Menghabiskan waktu dengan berkeliling.
Tubuhnya bagaikan tidak menapaki bumi.
Dia sedang bahagia.
Matahari menyengat dia jawab dengan senyuman.
Ibu mengeluarkan air mata, dia bilang menangis itu baik untuk kesehatan.
Benar-benar sedang bahagia.
Tak diijinkannya orang-orang itu merusak harinya.
Siapapun tidak akan bisa merusaknya.
Karena dia bahagia.

Kenapa begitu senang?
Apa yang membuatnya tersenyum?
"Aku hanya bahagia, tidak perlu alasan. Ini sudah lebih dari cukup."
Ketika pintu itu dibuka dan dunia pun terlihat.
Selasa tidaklah seburuk itu.

myself - when you get so happy

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Google : 40th years of Sesame Street

Aren't they cute?
Sesame Street reminds me of my SHS year.
Big bird, Cookie Monster, Count von Count, Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Ernie & Bert

Senin, 17 Mei 2010


Malam ini aku benar-benar merasa muak dengan semua ini. Tiba-tiba saja aku merasa muak! Entah mengapa, dan hal yang ada disekelilingi memicunya untuk semakin muak semuak-muaknya manusia. Kamar ini terlalu berantakan, sampah dimana-mana, barang-barang tidak pada tempatnya menjadi satu dengan sampah dan lama-lama terlihat seperti sampah. Aku sedang merasa tidak nyaman melakukan sesuatu bahasa kerennya tidak "mood". Pakaian kotor menumpuk, melihatnya membuat emosiku semakin tersulut. Ingin rasanya aku bakar! Agar tidak menganggu penglihatanku.
Aku bosan, aku lelah, aku m u a k! Air keluar dari mataku. Kepala seperti tertusuk-tusuk rasanya. Semua bersatu padu melawanku. Membuatku tidak nyaman. Otak yang dari dulu tidak pernah menunjukkan kinerja terbaiknya sekarang juga ikut tidak mau berfikir jernih, membuatku semakin kalut dan semakin ingin marah-marah. Selalu ada masalah, laptop mulai cari perkara, mobil bannya kempes, ac-rusak, keran bocor (untuk ke-sekian kalinya), kulkas bangsat, lampu mati, flash bego, harddisk tolol, baju hilang, hidupku, semua berebut saling sikut ingin disebut. Seperti sinetron saja hidup ini lama-lama, banyak yang perlu dikeluhkan padahal katanya mengeluh itu dosa. Berarti aku orang yang paling berdosa kalau begitu.
Bangsat memang, karena air dari mata ini tidak mau berhenti mengalir. Ya aku menangis. Puas? Silakan tertawa, selagi aku tidak bisa mendengarnya. Gara-gara menangis kepala jadi tambah sakit, dan masalah juga tidak selesai. Taulah aku menangis tidak menyelesaikan apa-apa hanya mengurangi 1% rasa muak dan perasaan kecewa. Tapi air ini tak juga mau berhenti, sekarang pun aku menangis. Aku ingin ibuku! Apa aku sudah bilang kalau Laptopku cari perkara? a.k.a rusak! Ya rusak (lagi), ini laptop kedua yang aku pakai dan kemudian rusak. Kali ini dalam kurun waktu kurang dari setahun. Hebat sekali diri yang hina dina ini bisa merusakkan barang jutaan rupiah dengan gampangnya.
Ingin rasanya aku teriak sekeras-kerasnya, marah semarah-marahnya, membanting semua barang-barang yang menghalangi pandanganku. Aku kesal! Tolong seseorang panggil ibuku, untuk membuatku tenang. Hari ini baru terasa kalau bulan Juni itu lama, baru aku merasakan apa yang orang-orang rasakan. Sempat terbesit pikiran untuk pulang, tapi aku tidak selemah itu. Aku yakin aku bisa lewati ini, aku hanya perlu pelampiasan. Jika aku pulang berarti aku lari dari masalah, dan tentunya aku tidak bisa selamanya lari dari masalah aku HARUS menghadapinya.
Disini terlalu gelap. Selalu gelap. Kali ini mataku tidak mau menyesuaikan dengan kegelapan yang ada. Apa yang harus aku lakukan jika aku tidak dapat melihat? Haruskah aku ambil resiko dengan menebak-nebak? Betapa aku benci ketidakpastian. Benci sebenci-bencinya manusia bisa membenci!

(ditulis pada heath minggu 16 Mei 2010 3:15pm dengan keadaan diri yang sangat kacau, yang bahkan dengan minum pun tidak akan membuatnya lebih baik)

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Pre event 6th Anniversary Starcross

This small gigs is held on Thursday 13 May 2010, at Hall Gedung Pusat Kebudayaan Koesnadi Hardjosoemantri (ex-Purnabudaya) UGM Yogyakarta.

I'm not feel so comfortable with the stage, and the crowds. Especially with the crowds, there are people, too many people with a expensive DSLR but without having a etiquette. I don't know if you're a photographer or not but as long as you doing a photography please knowing that photography have an etiquette to be followed. It's a crime if you don't! Singkat kata, If you want a HOT SPOT to take a best picture come earlier. Don't you dare come late and then nyerobot-nyerobot ngalang-ngalangin. FUCK!! Your camera IT'S NOT YOUR FREE PASS TO GET INTO THE IN FRONT OF OF THE STAGE! note that! Bye!

Starcross collaboration with Jangan Marah Records present:


New band, with a well known members. Yes you right they are Duta and Adam from Sheila on 7 on the stage and yakuyaya is their new project indie band. It was become a surprise to me that can see them playing live. They didn't have an album, not yet. They just making song, and this is their first time to perform in a crowd like this (based on what they said). Seeing yakuyaya it's more like a bonus for me.

The Kucrut
Another surprise, since I'm not too concern about indie local band from Indonesia The Kucrut become something to me. Their genre is New Wave same like my favorite indie local band from Bali TolbandTol. But their vocalist voice is drowning into the sound of the music, and make me can't hear clearly what he say.

Zeke Kheseli

Here they are, people please stand up and give it up for Zeke Kheseli. The first time the band member show up to the stage I'm speechless. No, I'm not lying. What I should call them? Theatrical band? Because they kindda like singing and telling story with acting at the same time. First, they came up with 3 member wearing a mask. I can hear clearly the voice of their vocalist (something wrong with the sound system), but I'm in love with their melody, maybe their song can we called the disharmony melody. So abstract but still lovely, and they use the unsual instrument which I don't know what the name is. They are superb! Hope I can see their live performance again next time.

Bangku Taman

and finally Efek Rumah Kaca (ERK)

I come for them, because they're inspiring, and unusual song. Too bad I can't sing along with them that night because I'm not well remembered the lyrics but one thing I know that their performance is marvelous! Hearing ERK live performance makes my bulu roma merinding. Can't wait to see them playing live agaiin.

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Lagi-lagi untuk tu(h)an

bila aku berbuat salah

Katakataku, tindakanku,
kecurigaanku, pikiranku, perasaanku,
dan segala hal disekeliling diriku

maafkan aku,
sebab bukankah itu
kau dan aku

Curhat Setan -Fahd Djibran-

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Paramore makes me drunk

I currently listening to Paramore. Paramore is an American rock band from Franklin, Tennessee, formed in 2004. Members are lead vocalist and keyboardis Haylew Williams, lead guitarist Josh Farro, bassist Jeremy Davis, drummer Zac Farro, and rhythm guitarist Taylor York. (source: wikipedia)

As I'm not a paramore biggest fan or anything, I just accidently feeling comfortable to listen to their song, so I won't talk anything about this band. Below is the some of the track from their latest album "Brand New Eyes" there's 12 songs in the album. But the list below I hear it over and over again from the first time I buy the CD. Well lately I don't know why I'm kindda seeking something with beat or maybe scream? Or a song that can represent what I'm feeling right now.

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

It's not like the end of the world

Apakah saya menikmati kesendirian saya? Atau orang-orang lebih senang menyebutnya dengan kejombloan saya, dengan status single saya dan blah blah blah. Menurut kalian, apa iya saya menikmatinya?

Tadi siang saya bolos kuliah lagi, ah betapa kuliah pagi merupakan hal yang paling saya benci. Kali ini saya benar-benar tidak bisa menarik diri saya untuk pergi kuliah. Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk melanjutkan saja istirahat tidur saya yang jarang-jarang saya dapatkan ini. Maaf ayah dan ibu tapi demi tuhan saya lelah. Tapi entah mengapa ketika seorang teman mengajak bertemu di sebuah cafe yang tidak bisa dibilang cafe karena pelayanan yang sangat-sangat lah lambat dan juga tempat yang sangat-sangatlah terbatas bahkan sampai tempat parkirnya pun terbatas, klo saja wi-finya tidak secepat terbang si gatot kaca mungkin saya akan menolak bertemu disana.

Setelah Ngobrol kesana kemari akhirnya topik ini muncul kepermukaan. Kenapa saya dan salah satu teman saya (tidak boleh dipublikasikan) masih jomblo. Kata mereka "forgodshaken it's 2010 and u guys still didn't have a boyfriend?" And we just like "SO WHAT?!" Why the hell these girls are complaining about my status? Okay maybe because they just a girl, and this is the way she showed their attention to me, to us their friends. Honestly obrolan ringan ini masuk ke kepala nusuk ke hati, sampe-sampe aku buat post-nya kan? LOL Apa iya aku nikmatin being single? Maybe yes, but I doubt it.

There are a time I need someone more than a friend, yang bisa ngasi saran disaat temen, sodara sama orang tua gue ga bisa ngasi saran. Atau disaat lagi males-males gimana gitu ada seseorang yang bikin kita semangat. Dangkal banget kan pemikiran gue? Itulah sebabnya saya tidak ingin melibatkan siapa-siapa dulu in my cruel world. Cukup ada saya. I can't even taking care of myself so why I need to drag myself to taking care of someone else's life? Betul tidak? Ibu saya pernah bilang saya harus bisa apa-apa bahkan kemana-mana sendiri. Maka dari itu saya sebenernya agak sedikit kecewa kalau ada yang bertanya "sama siapa? sendirian?" Ya iyalah sendiri, dari lahir juga saya udah sendiri. Dari playgroup, tk, sd, smp, sma sampe kuliah saya sendiri. Kalau dulu ada supir yang nemenin kemana-mana, sekarang saya benar-benar sendiri. Sedih? Nggak tuh.

Bener kali ya, kalau saya bener-bener nikmatin ini semua, klo boleh ngutip dari film.
I like being on my own. I think relationships are messy and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it? We’re young, we live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world; might as well have fun while we can and, save the serious stuff for later. Summer - (500) Days of Summer

Yeah, who need it right? Theres alots of the things I want to do, and yeah I live in one of the most beautiful cities. Aku ga bakal mati kan kalau ga punya pacar? Jangan sampe ya, yg punya pacar ga tau tempat-tempat asik karena perginya kesitu-situ mulu. Malu dong sama yg jomblo? ahaha apa deh. Jadi pengen bikin review tempat nongkrong dan tempat makan dijogja deh klo gini. Bali juga deh. What do you think guys? Bergunakah saya sekarang? Blog setan saya ini berguna kah?

"So I'd prefer to accept my loneliness. If I try to run away from it now, I'll never find a partner again. If I accept it, rather than fight against it things might change. I've noticed that loneliness gets stronger when we try to face it down but gets weaker when we simply ignore it"
Sherine Khalil or Athena as she preferred to be called

Sedikit pesan buat yang baca blog ini dan kebetulan lagi ga punya pacar, tenang boy kamu cuman belum punya pacar. Kamu bisa aja klo kamu mau kan? Nikmatin hari-harimu, buat dirimu berguna ya, jangan ngabisin waktu cuman buat ngeluh ke tuhan "kapan saya punya pacar?" eeuuuhhh find bettter somethings to do guys. Dan kalau yang kebetulan yang baca udah ada gacoannya nikmatin ya gurls, manfattin waktu-waktu itu sebaik-baiknya. Pacaran sehat ya, dan jangan jadi basi klo lagi pacaran. BE FEROSH! BYE!

Poly Moly Poly

classic me
classic me by Benjoan Kiko featuring The Sak bags

As you can see the pictures above is my set on polyvore. Hellyeah people, yes I'm back to polyvore. You can make your acc too, because it's free. Add me as your contact and fave my set. Gracias!
My previous set here. here. My acc. here.

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Don't hate yourself

You don't know how powerful and influenced you are until you found out that somebody is following you.