Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Fast Forward - Rewind New Years Eve

One day we're gonna live in Paris. I promise, I'm on it.
And every night, we'll watch the stars. They'll be out for us.
And every night, the city light. They'll be out for us.

Friendly Fires - Paris

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Fast Forward - Rewind

But you are still here, you are still here

Metronomy - Everything Goes My Way

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

GBS-Jazz Mben Senen

It's the end of 2011 so I'm gonna upload what I have on my HD before it goes expired. So after their flawless performance I'm officially one of Gugun Blues Shelter (GBS) listener. And here they are playing at Jazz Mben Senen. This is my first time going to Jazz Mben Senen. I already heard everyone talking about it but none of the talk made me going to the show, until GBS play's there. They play about 3 or maybe 2 songs. I feel disappointed. Yes I'm not satisfying by their performance that night. It's like a blink of an eye, it goes too fast. I even questioned myself, 'so it's over? really?' But GBS do a long jamming and they're still steal my heart that night.
Since I'm not that into jazz music, I feel a little bit boring that night and a little bit confusing with the concept of the show. Me and my friend even start arguing and guessing is this show is a spontaneous show or not. First, Jazz Mben Senen is some kind of gathering for people who love jazz, there is a performance and it comes from the crowd it self. The host were like picking up some random people to singing to the front. Why front, not stage? Because there were no stage, it was just a small place and people are sitting on the ground. And based on what I've been listen, Jazz Mben Senen is some kind of a community for people who love jazz. And it been held every Monday in Kompas (national newspaper in Indonesia) Jogja Region Office. That's why the show called Jazz Mben Senen. Senen in Indonesia means Monday. and the crowd is so crowded because it's free. But overall the performance that comes up from the crowds were truly have skill, maybe this is way people keep coming to the show.

Rabu, 30 November 2011

Taken by an analogue film b/w asa 100

I'm happy like a child, because I'm gonna see FSTVLST perform live again at RRI, which is my favorite venue for a music stage performance in Jogja. I forgot the exact date but I'm not forgot that this is my first time using an analogue camera to do a stage photography, to be honest I got some kind of nervous attack that night which I know didn't have a reason to be nervous. It push my adrenalin to maximum limit when I do the shoot, probably because I can't see the result right away, and I'm photographing music stage performance which is my favorite thing to be photograph. It just comes in one packet and it burst me to tears that the result is not that bad, and I want to do it again wohoooo.
So the picture above is Sweet As Revenge, I don't know a thing about their song or nor them. I spent my time taking pictures for the rest of their performance until I realize that they're not the only band that gonna play that night because I only brought one film. Maybe I'm not enjoying their music but I found they're interesting to be photograph. Or maybe it just the kick ass lighting that RRI's got. So what's new about FSTVLST is finally I see Farid the vocalist wear that bones jeans on stage, if I'm right he D.I.Y it himself. What a talented human being.

Senin, 14 November 2011

I'm Not Moving

Cause I got no business knowing where you're at... No
And it's gonna be hard... yeah
Cause I have to wanna heal
... yeah
The way I feel that I have to get real
Long Gone And Move On - The Script

I'll start with the door, the rumor has it that there's only one door that will be open as an enter gate. But the fact is there is two door being open by the security guard and unfortunately I was in line in front of off the wrong door, and the worse part is the security guard open the door in the wrong way and it makes us cannot passing the door normally but pretty much brutally. It's upset me out, besides it hurts my hand it makes me cannot get the front row. Okay cut it out. I've been listening to the script since I was in high school, and been studying religiously their first album thenceforth I saw their video in MTV. I love their music even-thou I'm not the victim of the brokenhearted, and this is explain that their music not only can be heard by those people who feel miserable because of love.
The bad beginning paid off by the script performance, but honestly I'm not really enjoying the opening act performance even they're playing good and some of them do the 'I sing a most listenable song so sing a long with me peepz' tricks makes the crowd can't help it but to sing a long. But we've been waiting for too long, I even wish that Gugun Blues Shelter were never on stage because the list of the opening acts were so long and they played a lot of songs too. I already can't feel my feet that night, all I need is The Script too begin their show.
Amaze by the lighting, and the rest of the show. The script was AWESOME that night. I want to thanks god for giving me a chance to watch them play live in Indonesia and see Danny wearing Indonesian National Flag oh and thanks for the guitar pick your crew throw to the crowd Mark. Everybody sing and sing at the top of their lungs. The crowds were like a choir that night, sing along with Danny from the first song until the very last. The script played like 13 songs which is for me is not enough! I want them played the whole two albums and didn't want the show comes to end. Yes, I'm Not Moving! Thanks Guinness, and happy birthday Sir Arthur!

Kamis, 03 November 2011

If Only I

'You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could
give you just one gift ever
for the rest of your life it would be this.
It would be the gift of confidence.
Either that or a scented candle.'

One Day - David Nicholls

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

situ punya salah saya punya masalah

'Punya masalah & ga bisa diceritain ke siapa-siapa itu dilematik :']'
Ditulis pada jejaring sosial Twitter oleh @jengMAND

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

don't take it seriously my opinion

Kalau saja tidak diberikan CD Mian Tiara oleh seorang teman mungkin saya tidak akan tahu kalau Nona ini ada. Mendengar namanya disebut-sebut pun saya jarang, tapi Mian Tiara sudah lama ternyata berkecimpung didunia musik sebelum akhirnya memutuskan untuk membuat album. Bahkan Ia pernah menang dalam ajang AMI Music Award. Saya tidak begitu mendengarkan lagu-lagu dari dalam negeri kecuali ST-22, Unju, dan Kuning Daun. HA! Jadi sedikit mengerutkan dahi ketika selama seminggu bahkan lebih CD Mian Tiara di putar di mobil, walaupun back and forth muter yang judulnya 'disapih'.
Mian Tiara datang dan saya menonton, bertempat di Langgeng Art Foundation yang mungkin tuh surga kayak gitu. Menyanyikan sekitar 7-8 lagu diantaranya HushHushHush, Little Space In Between, Bye-bye Blackbirld, Butterfly, Ini Rindu, dan Disapih dengan aransemen yang berbeda. Tempatnya asik sih, cuman maafin deh kalau kampung tapi kok musik sama suara ga terlalu ngeblend dibeberapa lagu. Beberapa instrumen juga terkadang ditelingga ga ngeblend. Ah itu mungkin karena semut-semut yang saya temui di kamar mandi. ternyata malam itu merupakan acara serambi jazz.
Ga tau deh kenapa, kurang 'nendang' wiidih gilak bahasanya. Mungkin karena jazz itu ga cocok sama outdoor venue ya jadi suaranya terbang-terbang. Terus yang pada nonton juga adem ayem berasa nonton layar tancep gitu, mungkin juga karena Mian Tiara is not an attractive person in stage bikin semakin flat baru pas lagu terakhir dia mau gerak agak banyak dan ngajak penonton untuk ikut gerak. Tapi terlepas dari itu semua tetep suaranya Mian Tiara bikin semriwing.

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011


'itu jogja corpse grinder itu musik metal apa, apa namanya?'
'Death metal'

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

'iya gue ga lama-lama' -raisa

Semua orang yang pernah berkendara dengan kendaraan saya tahu semenjak ipod saya rusak cd-lenka yang selalu diputer. Dari yang awalnya di skip ke lagu-lagu tertentu sampai suka semua dan hapal mati sama liriknya. Sampai waktu itu tugas buat buku cerita anak ilustrasinya dapet gara-gara nyumpel kuping pakai lagu lenka. Sayang aja itu buku cerita digambar tangan jadi ga punya duplikatnya. Semoga sama mas dosen tidak meloakan itu buku cerita karena jujur pakai cinta itu buatnya. Skip lebay-lebayannya. Nulis ini udah pasti Lenkanya ke Indonesia dong untuk yang kedua kalinya dan dengan polosnya aku ga tau dong kalau dulu Lenka udh pernah ke Indonesia tahun 2008 umur berapa tuh masih SD kali sayanya..
Singkat cerita, h-2/3/4/5 ya pokoknya h-mepetz saya tahu kalau SANTAMONICA jadi openingnya. Eh gila gak tuh? langsung otak jadi nge-blank gitu, santamonica yg udh jarang manggung-manggung tiba-tiba manggung, sesuatu banget mah ini, openingnya LENKA lagi. Namanya juga Benji ya langsung deh pikiran gelap 'gimana pun caranya HARUS ntn santamonica'. Tentunya manusia hanya bisa berncana, banyak banget rintangannya. Mulai dari pesawat yang diundur keberangkatannya gara-gara traffic yang mana waktu itu hari jadi TNI ya taulah ya TNI ngapain tiap ulang tahun. Nggak nyangka kebiasaan mereka ultah tahun ini ngefek kehidup saya. JELAS diundur keberangatan ini bikin saya cemas dan ga berhenti doa jogja-jakarta, bandara-gandaria. Capek senam jantung, takut telat sampe sana cuman ketemu tukang sapu yang lagi beberes. Puji tuhan bisa sampai juga ke Skenoo Hall Gandaria City dalam keadaan acara belum selesai. Santamonica ......speechless coba bisa nonton dari awal dan kenapa bukan santamonica yg konser dan lenka yg jadi opening? *eh

Emang ya ini konser banyak banget ceritanya, pengen cerita tapi males nulisnya. hahaa Kesel juga sama diri sendiri yg karena buru-buru ga tahu kalau SLR is allowed to the venue. preet banget kan? padahal sudah membekali diri dengan perlengkapan sok fotografer yg dengan gobloknya ditinggal di mobil dan pilihannya adalah bawa kamera atau ketinggalan acara. udah tau kan pilihannya mana? Udah gitu didalem liat orang bawa kamera canggih-canggih tapi... ya gitu deh sampai rasanya pengen bejek-bejek trus rebut kamera. Ok stop menye-menye. Lenka nyanyi lagu LIKE A SONG. wohooo mau nangis lebay dipelukannya Lenka rasanya. Begitu naik dia langsung mainin lagu Heart skips a beat, dia juga nyanyiin lagu-lagu dari album pertama seperti The Show, Trouble is a friend, Knock Knock, Don't Let Me Fall sama lagu barunya macam Blinded By love, Everything's ok, dan pas nyanyiin Everything's at once dia nyanyiin lirik yang udah dibuat sama salah satu penonton. My sweetest october ever deh ini kayaknya. Suaranya lenka itu manis banget lebih manis dari es jeruk ketumpahan gula sekarung.

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Fast Forward -Rewind Take me anywhere I don't care I don't care I don't care

Take me out tonight. Where's the music and there's people and they're young and alive. Driving in your car, I never never want to go home. Because I haven't got one anymore.
Take me out tonight. Because I want to see people and I want to see life. Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home.
The Smiths - There's a light that never goes out

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

This blog is a pleasure

Mengutip dari LOTF
Beberapa tahun silam, “guru” fotografi miss Flamingo pernah berkata, “jika kalian punya karya, jangan hanya menyimpan karya tersebut dalam hard disk, biarkan orang-orang tau karya kamu, salah satunya dengan membuat pameran”.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

SMTI 'Teen Action On Nation'

Malam minggu, emang paling enak kalau berkesempatan menyaksikan acara orang tarik suara. Bersyukur punya temen yang baik nan gaul update acara-acara seru dan tambah baik lagi karena mau ngejemput buat nonton, semoga ul cepet punya pacar deh. amin. Taunya yang main sabtu malam tanggal 24 september 2011 itu adalah Jenny, yang sekarang sudah merubah namanya menjadi FESTIVALIST. Kenapa berubah cari tau sendiri ya. Ternyata acaranya anak SMA, tiket masuknya walaupun on the spot tentunya murah dong ga nyampe 10k. Nama acarnya SMTI 'Teen Action On Nation' yang jadi hi-lightnya Captain Jack. Tapi karena saya anak gadis ga boleh pulang malam jadi ga nonton deh itu penutupnya, ya gapapa juga orang niatnya cuman nonton festivalist *nyengir kuda*. Kita dateng agak akhir acara di rundown yang ditempel ditiket box Festivalist main jam 8.30 lagi-lagi kalau tidak salah ingat, saya lemah dalam ingatan. Jadi intinya saya dateng kepagian sempet santai-santai dulu sama nonton band yang menamai dirinya Sri Plecit yang ternyata salah satu vokalisnya temen satu kampus saya. Asik juga dia dipanggung, nge-feel sama musiknya saya sampai ikutan senyum-senyum gitu nontonnya.

Signature malem itu mungkin pagar pembatas yang tingginya nyaris 170-cm, tapi itu pagar ga kuat-kuat amat didorong dikit udah geser. Ngeganggu banget pagar pembatas ini sebenarnya, lagi-lagi karena temen yang baik ya jadi malem itu si pagar yang hampir nyamain tinggiku ga jadi penggangu kecuali suaranya yang menderit-derit yang sepilu hatiku. Asiknya, yang ditunggu-tunggu telat dateng. MC-nya sampai had his garing moment dipanggung, tapi tetep ngocol ya seperti biasa jadi nggak ngebosenin amat nunggunya. Tau dah telatnya berapa lama yang pasti akhirnya festivalist jadi manggung dan sesuatu banget. Suka banget sama suara gitarnya beneran ga boong, suara vokalistnya woooh itu mah apalagi. Terus lucunya, entah mengapa ini lucu. lucu nggak ya? bodo ah. Ada mas-mas atau mungkin adek cowok, yang ngemeng gini 'mbak hati-hati ya nanti pas lagu ....(lupa) pada ngeludah'. Iya saya tahu dek, saya rela kok ludah cinta ini *eh. Selalu ada kebahagiaan sendiri kalau ngeliat orang diatas panggung keringetan, sama muka-muka bahagia orang desek-desekan dan selalu ada perasaan kurang kalau belum mengabadikan kedua hal tersebut diatas.

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Ooh I don’t know what to do about this dream and you. I wish this dream comes true.”
Daft Punk -Digital Love

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

This is you. Eyes closed, out in the rain. You never thought you’d be doing something like this, you never saw yourself as, I don’t know how you’d describe it… Is like one of those people who like looking up at the moon, who spend hours gazing at the waves or the sunset or… I guess you know the kind of people I’m talking about. Maybe you don’t. Anyway, you kind of like being like this, fighting the cold, feeling the water seep through your shirt and getting through your skin. And the feel of the ground growing soft beneath your feet. And the smell. And the sound of the rain hitting the leaves. All the things they talked about in the books you haven’t read. This is you, who would have guessed it? You.
Ann, “My Life Without Me”

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Kembali ke Indonesia tidak hanya jakarta tapi juga bali. lucky me! Potatohead 15th of july 2011 I got three things to do that day penampahan kuningan, purnama, and the fun part with flight facilities, that held by the junction bali. it seems like everybody's coming but foreigner dominating the dance floor. It's a good night! Finally! Yep, we're dancing underneath the fullmoon, jealous much?

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Need to wait for the right season for “The Cranberries” to have results. Need to wait until the end of October to have “Helloween”. Need a big luck to have “Good Charlotte”. But we only need “30 Seconds to Mars” (amazing, huh?!)

So, I choose 30 Seconds To Mars as the most wanted artist I wanted to see at JRL 2011 :)

-Fira Constantinova

There's no such a thing called ENOUGH in my vocabullary

I had the time of my life..I'm living my dream and keeping the faith -Jared Leto

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011


Merah ini menutup rapat-rapat mulutku, membutakan kedua mataku, dan membuat tuli kedua telingaku. Mematikan semua indra yang aku punya.
Sepanjang hari berusaha memutihkannya, tapi aku tak mampu. Ia malah berubah menjadi hitam, dan semakin pekat.

mereka bilang ini marah

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

They Will Never Get Bored

This is not their first time. They've been jazzing up jogja from small gigs to big charity.
Kali ini Maliq & D'essentials kembali ke jogja bersama event Kaskus Movie Night Out. dengan opening act dari frau. Diselenggarakan di Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, membuat saya berekspetasi bahwa saya akan menikmati lantunan melodi oscar dan suara lembut frau sambil duduk nyaman pada salah satu kursi di societet building. Orang-orang bergerumul di depan pintu masuk, yang awalnya saya pikir adalah antrian masuk ternyata adalah kumpulan orang-orang yang kehabisan tiket. Yes, the ticket is Sold Out! Maliq & D'essentials definitely one of the reason, the biggest reason is they sale the ticket very cheap! only 5k for silver pass and 10k for gold pass the differences is only if you buy the gold pass you can watch the movie (August Rush' and get popcorn, food and bevarege.
There's no comfy chair. Dibagi menjadi dua panggung, satu panggung dengan skala kecil yang dipakai oleh band yang menyanyikan lagu-lagu ballad dan lagu-lagu Indonesia. Konsep dua panggung ini sangat disayangkan karena frau is playing at that small stage while some of people or maybe I should say a lot of people standing at the main stage waiting for Maliq & D'essentials and saving the 'hot spot'. Penonton yang memadati panggung tempat Frau bermain bersama oscar ga kalah sama main stage. Tidak ada yang istimewa dari penampilan frau malam itu, masih lagu-lagu lama seperti I'm a Sir hingga lagu andalannya Mesin Penenun Hujan dan satu lagu daerah yg dinyanyikan ala frau.

Gimana Maliq? I'm not listen to their music. honestly. and the reason why I'm here is because my friend need accompany and I always get excited and curious about music event. Intinya I love the atmosphere. Yaudah mumpung tiket murah cuuss. Cuman bedanya, setelah nonton yang ke... 2 atau ke 3, mulai 'ooooh' sama lirik-lirik lagunya, dan ternyata banyak juga yg brengsek itu lagunya bikin pengen ke CK trus beli silet. ahaha Seru lah ya maliq walaupun cewek-cewek pada teriak LALEEE sampai kuping aku sakit ga peduli yg penting mbak nenina cantik *eh

Selasa, 12 April 2011

"Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve.
Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag.She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.
She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.
Buy her another cup of coffee. Let her know what you really think of Murakami. See if she got through the first chapter of Fellowship. Understand that if she says she understood James Joyce’s Ulysses she’s just saying that to sound intelligent. Ask her if she loves Alice or she would like to be Alice.

It’s easy to date a girl who reads. Give her books for her birthday, for Christmas and for anniversaries. Give her the gift of words, in poetry, in song. Give her Neruda, Pound, Sexton, Cummings. Let her know that you understand that words are love. Understand that she knows the difference between books and reality but by god, she’s going to try to make her life a little like her favorite book. It will never be your fault if she does. She has to give it a shot somehow. Lie to her. If she understands syntax, she will understand your need to lie. Behind words are other things: motivation, value, nuance, dialogue. It will not be the end of the world.
Fail her. Because a girl who reads knows that failure always leads up to the climax. Because girls who understand that all things will come to end. That you can always write a sequel. That you can begin again and again and still be the hero. That life is meant to have a villain or two. Why be frightened of everything that you are not? Girls who read understand that people, like characters, develop. Except in the Twilightseries.

If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are.

You will propose on a hot air balloon. Or during a rock concert. Or very casually next time she’s sick. Over Skype.

You will smile so hard you will wonder why your heart hasn’t burst and bled out all over your chest yet. You will write the story of your lives, have kids with strange names and even stranger tastes. She will introduce your children to the Cat in the Hat and Aslan, maybe in the same day. You will walk the winters of your old age together and she will recite Keats under her breath while you shake the snow off your boots.
Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads.

Or better yet, date a girl who writes."
Rosemary Urquico

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Corps De Ballet

Aku tidak ingin memahami dan merasakan.
Aku hanya ingin menari.
Menjadi bagian dari Corps De Ballet, menjadi kompak walaupun tidak melihat gerakan penari disekitar mereka.
Aku tahu mereka merasakan atmosfer dari setiap penari disekelilingnya.
Tapi aku lelah menjadi angsa.

Bukankah Swanlake bercerita tentang gadis yang dikutuk menjadi angsa? apakah wajar jika didalam pertunjukan Corps De Ballet nanti para angsa menari dengan anggun dan cantik? Pak Kumazawa berkata

'Swanlake adalah kisah tentang manusia. Para angsa itu manusia! Mereka ingin kembali ke kehidupan manusia. Mereka ingin lepas dari kutukan itu sebelum jadi gila'

Ketika hujan membasahi wajahnya

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Itu Hari

Ini hidup, hidupku.
Sesuatu yang serius namun aku memilih untuk menjalaninya dengan 'bersenang-senang'.
Terimakasih untuk orang-orang yang sudah mau repot mengomentari hidupku dan bagaimana cara aku menjalani hidupku.
Aku buka jendelaku bukan untuk dengar kalian,
tapi untuk biarkan diri ini menemukan hasrat dalam hidup.
untuk menjawab pertanyaang diri, 'untuk apa sih aku hidup?'

sang selasa
yang selalu penuh inspirasi

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Kita hanya bisa menunduk

Terlalu banyak yang harus dipikirkan. Bukan, mereka memang sudah dikepala dan sudah terpikirkan tatapi tidak henti-hentinya menimbulkan rasa cemas dan was-was. Ada rasa tidak nyaman, cenderung takut. Walaupun aku sendiri tidak tahu wujud dari ketakutan ini, aku terbawa oleh kenangan dan pengalaman mereka akan sebuah ketakutan.

Aku melihat sorot-sorot kekecewaan terpancar di antara senyuman kemenangan milikmu.

Ruangan ini diselimuti oleh sebuah ego. Ego yang berasal dari seseorang yang merasa dirinya cukup pantas untuk dipanggil Tuan. Ego iku menusuk ke tulang, sampai-sampai aku mati rasa dibuatnya.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Malam itu terasa hangat

Sampai kapan pun aku tidak akan bisa menjalaskan secara langsung (berbicara) alasannya. Jadi tolong, aku mohon, jangan paksa aku menceritakannya. Apalagi menjelaskan mengapa. Tolong jangan beri aku tatapan itu, ataupun seringaian menghina itu. Aku ingin tetap mengenang semuanya sebagai lelucon, bukan sesuatu yang gelap. Aku tidak berbohong, aku benar-benar tidak bisa.
-Air itu berbicara dikala malam

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

I'm happy, didn't you feel the same?

mungkin saat ini saya sudah bisa diibaratkan naik haji karena saking seringnya menonton frau. tidak pernah benar-benar menghapal lagunya dan datang dengan rasa penasaran ketika pertama kali menyaksikan penampilannya. frau begini.. frau begitu... sekali saya pernah melihatnya tampil diacara kick andy tapi waktu itu entah mengapa saya menontonnya sampai habis. Beautiful voice, it blew my mind away even the song said the simplest things in life i still like it.

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


Just take a tour here at my blog. I called it #onjoemoment LOLZ! I can't stop giggling, and there's a lil bit hmmm wet eyes. It brings back memories, the good and the kick ass one. This is surprising me, because I used to writing a lot, but what I'm doing now? Hello old me, I'm proud of your 'writing trying' that makes the new me realize that you are not that bad at writing. I'm asking my self is that me who writing the poem? Is that me who taking the pictures? Is that me who do the drawing? And where are 'me' now? Oh god, I must go back for good. It's so fun to make a post and then someday you re-read it again. See what you've doing in the past, maybe yesterday you cry at it and now you found your self laught at it. What a life!

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011


My best are in town. Even though I haven't sleep for two days, her visit pays for all. Honestly, I have no idea where to take her. Finally I accompanied her to visit sekaten at keraton, and shopping at awul-awul market. I got 3 piece of blazer and her shopping for shorts. And Lucky for us to seattle at Coklat's cafe, I'm totally forgot there's Jogja Broadway that held from 6-16 January 2011. And we decided to watch Jogja Brodway! The Show was WOW! The complete report is in the next post :)