Senin, 09 November 2009

Did I meant to you?

"Ya Tuhan, jadikan wanita yang membaca ini menjadi wanita yang cantik, kuat, sabar, sehat dan di sayangi banyak orang. Tolong dan tingkatkan kehidupannya. Begitupun jika dia melangkah, selamatkan dia. Astungkara."

I received this beautiful and thoughtful message in the morning. It came from my old friend Rahayu, this is a forward message. I always ignoring a forward message, but when I read it, they got me. I feel so yellow at that time and feel blessed at the same time by this message. Because it's been a hard week for me, because now I know when I open my room door and walk into the room and shut it behind I'm alone. But, it gets better everyday. As how collage life completly stole my whole attention.
I love you mom, I love you sisters

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