What's been happening in my life lately, in case you wanna know. Let's start with the good ones. Finally in 2 Mei 2010 we are all calon anggota UFO 17 dilantik menjadi UFO angkatan 17. :cheers: I'm so happy, I can't barely feel my feet touch the ground. To be perfectly honest all those memories the good and the bad, tired, anger, ectera ectera filled my brain and flooded up my heart. Intinya saya happy syalalalalaaa. Je t aime UFO, UFO 17.
Let's talk about Holiday. Note this: Saya ga pulang selama 6 bulan, ini rekor tersendiri buat saya. Kebetulan kampus saya tercinta yang gedungnya terbelakang akhirnya memutuskan merenovasi kampus yang mengakibatkan para mahasiswanya harus kuliah on Saturday. Can you believe that? Sumpah serapah dan isi jamban udah siap keluar tapi ternyata dengan SKS (Sistem Kuliah Sabtu) ini kita liburnya jadi maju. :dancing: Hahaa when I knew about this I feel like my mom calling me, hehee I miss you mom. Honestly I do have a plan for this holiday, I'll take a short course for 2-3 weeks in melb, or the academy art in San Francisco, about photography/ design/ film/ jurnalisme (hoeeekk) --> still have a long debate with my father (as he the only one donatur for this course). Tapi menurut dia, too difficult to get the visa in a rush time, so he come up with singapore, which I hate it. And now it seems like I must dig a hole and put all of this plan in it. SONOFABITCH! hell yeah, yes, I can skip this country even just for 2-3 weeks, because I have a responsibillity doing an exhibition. Now it is a serious one, SKSnya ga membantu sama sekali. poor me.
Terpuruknya saya dengan kenyataan tidak bisa menambah ilmu sekaligus jalan-jalan membuat saya stress. Maklum gampang banget stress, jadinya nafsu makan pun bertambah dan badan juga tambah melar. :sigh: Jadi puter otak, buat ngabisin liburan yang akan saya manfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya. I'd love to go to Thailand but my momski said "Thailand lagi kacau, jangan kesana ya" Grrr why oh why thailand? So now my head is full with Vietnam, India, and maybe KOREA! yeaayy! korea oh korea, how I want to visit you. I'm sorry my brother and sister, apapun yang terjadi saya akan tetep liburan. 3 bulan tidak akan saya sia-siakan untuk duduk di depan layar komputer dan online online tar kayak saykoji lagi gendut. LOL Okay see ya on the next post.
Let's talk about Holiday. Note this: Saya ga pulang selama 6 bulan, ini rekor tersendiri buat saya. Kebetulan kampus saya tercinta yang gedungnya terbelakang akhirnya memutuskan merenovasi kampus yang mengakibatkan para mahasiswanya harus kuliah on Saturday. Can you believe that? Sumpah serapah dan isi jamban udah siap keluar tapi ternyata dengan SKS (Sistem Kuliah Sabtu) ini kita liburnya jadi maju. :dancing: Hahaa when I knew about this I feel like my mom calling me, hehee I miss you mom. Honestly I do have a plan for this holiday, I'll take a short course for 2-3 weeks in melb, or the academy art in San Francisco, about photography/ design/ film/ jurnalisme (hoeeekk) --> still have a long debate with my father (as he the only one donatur for this course). Tapi menurut dia, too difficult to get the visa in a rush time, so he come up with singapore, which I hate it. And now it seems like I must dig a hole and put all of this plan in it. SONOFABITCH! hell yeah, yes, I can skip this country even just for 2-3 weeks, because I have a responsibillity doing an exhibition. Now it is a serious one, SKSnya ga membantu sama sekali. poor me.
Terpuruknya saya dengan kenyataan tidak bisa menambah ilmu sekaligus jalan-jalan membuat saya stress. Maklum gampang banget stress, jadinya nafsu makan pun bertambah dan badan juga tambah melar. :sigh: Jadi puter otak, buat ngabisin liburan yang akan saya manfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya. I'd love to go to Thailand but my momski said "Thailand lagi kacau, jangan kesana ya" Grrr why oh why thailand? So now my head is full with Vietnam, India, and maybe KOREA! yeaayy! korea oh korea, how I want to visit you. I'm sorry my brother and sister, apapun yang terjadi saya akan tetep liburan. 3 bulan tidak akan saya sia-siakan untuk duduk di depan layar komputer dan online online tar kayak saykoji lagi gendut. LOL Okay see ya on the next post.
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